Manually Updating Microsoft Forefront Client Security

If, at any time, Microsoft Forefront Client Security does not update automatically, you will need to update it manually. You will know that it is not updating when you see an amber symbol with an exclamation mark on the bottom right hand corner of your screen.

Forefront Not Updated

If you double-click the amber symbol, you can verify that Forefront is not updating automatically by looking at the date at the bottom of the window.

Forefront Bad Date

If you are getting the above symbol, you need to update Forefront by following these steps:

  1. Open an internet browser.
  2. Navigate to
  3. Download the latest definitions from the Definition Updates section of the website. (Screenshot below) The CS Widows XP image is 32 bit, so download the 32 bit version of the definitions.

    ForeFront Website

  4. Once the file is downloaded, run it. The icon on the bottom right hand corner of your screen should become a green check mark.

    ForeFront Updated

  5. If you double-click the green check mark, then you can verify that Forefront is up to date.

    Forefront Good Date

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